How rhymes and poems can help children learn in primary schools

Primary school forms a very important stage of a child's development.  As such it is important that teachers and parents do all they can to make sure that their children get the best out of this time so that they can develop to their full potential. One way that this can be encouraged is through using primary School rhymes as teaching resources.

Songs for children can have a variety of benefits and different ones can help with different things. Some may be a bit of fun and encourage participation while others can role as an active memory support to help children retain information or learn by association.

Benefits of primary school rhymes and poems

Songs for kids carry a wide range of benefits. They can help improve:

Memory - learning songs contextualises things, so teaching a particular subject or fact through primary school songs is a great way to help children learn and remember things. Actively engaging children to sing about certain a topic is likely to encourage them to retain more information.

Participation - because singing and music in primary schools involves something slightly more involved than a normal lesson then children are likely to participate in something that they see as fun and interesting, therefore encouraging.

Timing - singing songs that involve parts or rounds can allow children to pick up an understanding of musical timing, because they have to pick up on the best times to start and end their parts.

Teacher and student bond - children will feel a lot more connected with their teachers if they sing primary school songs with them, as this will make them seem more accessible and less intimidating, thereby giving the impression that they are approachable and fun.

Confidence - school songs for kids can help build up confidence, as each child gets the chance to sing as part of a group or even on their own. Primary school songs tend to be lively which encourages the children to sing up and have the confidence to participate.

Brain development - research has shown improved brain development in young children who sing and are sung to, as singing stimulates the brain in various ways that are important for development.

Language development - studies show that singing at an early age helps children to develop language better. From this, they can develop a better vocabulary as well as enhanced verbal emotion and spatial awareness.

Expressing themselves - this is linked with the confidence aspect of school songs for kids. Children singing in a group can develop their own take on songs, and can also express themselves in a way they might not otherwise.

What is the best type of primary school rhymes and poems?

The range of primary school rhymes that are available is huge, the content of the songs themselves isn't always the most important factor, at a young age songs that encourage participation are the best option. The more your class gets confident in participating in songs, the more likely they are to benefit from songs that have a more educational content.

Songs and music in primary schools are an important educational resource, incorporating rhymes into teaching about number, time and other concepts for children at early ages encourages your class to pick up valuable ideas, because it seems like a fun engaging activity.

TAG Public School's XSEED Curriculum is incorporated with Primary School Rhymes and Poems to help our children learn in a positive way.
