How to teach kids to love learning

How can parents and teachers keep the love of learning alive in students and children? Every parent and teacher knows there is nothing as annoying as dealing with a young person who refuses to learn. What is more sad to observe, than a young one who rolls his or her eyes and clams up at the mention of an academic subject?
First of all, learning should start early and never be restricted to the walls of the classroom. 

Parents, who test their children with good books, hands-on-projects and fun learning games, put their children into the field of learning early. These kinds of parents show that learning can be fun. Research always shows, that the more fun a learner has, the more easily the subject matter will be remembered.

Having fun when learning, holds up in the classroom, too. Giving students a variety of learning techniques keeps students involved and interested. For example, when teaching earth science, there are many ways to inspire student’s imaginations. Projects, outings, movies, scientific games and cooperative teaching are only an example of the ways to mix up learning styles.

Why is it important to vary learning styles? First of all, students have exceptional individual ways of learning. Secondly, there is nothing that kills learning as quickly as certainty. Predictability is death to curiosity. The very nature of interest is that of surprise, impulsiveness, wonder, excitement and enrichment. When parents or teachers, keeps curiosity alive, they are creating lifelong learners!

Of course, the reader is thinking, "Oh sure, how do you make grammar or maths rules exciting?" Here in reality, is the challenge. There are foundations of learning that are not always fun, yet are very important to learners. This is true. However, there are activities to teaching the dull student in an exciting manner. First of all, try letting the young learners investigate and teach the subject matter. Try challenging the learners to make a class game out of the subject matter. Try dividing the classroom into teams and have students teach and challenge each other, with the basics of learning.

What is sure death to learning, something most teachers and parents, should do less often? Lecturing. Young people hate being lectured at. The murmuring and lack of concern that lecturing creates is like the sound of a coffin closing. A student might call it cramped. Certainly, a young person would call it "irritating."

Okay, so there it is. You have a teenager who hates school, tell you to stop lecturing the moment you open your mouth and rolls his or her eyes if you mention the word "learn." What to do? Relax. Take your teenager out for a drive and let your teenager do the talking. Build a relationship. After that, include your teenager in the hobbies and interests you have. Invite your teenager to a play, to the museum or to the fairgrounds. Include lunch and it is a sure thing your invitations will be accepted.
The truth is learning is going on all the time. If you are a parent or teacher who is energised about your subjects, who is involved with ongoing learning and can transmit enthusiasm and encouragement to the young people, you are teaching well. Young people learn best by incorporation and example less by lecturing and power struggling.

What if your whole class is yawning and you have twenty minutes until the bell rings? Mix it up. Ask students what they are learning, what is in their way of learning or what they are being turned off or on by. Students have a vast need to feel that their learning relates to their lives. Listen to the students and find a way to shape learning to meet their needs. As a teacher and parent, you have a lot to learn from the young people around you. Being open to their ideas and feelings is the key to unlock their potentials.
